O Earth Speakr

Earth Speakr is an artwork. Through an app active from 2020 to 2022, the artwork invited kids to speak up for the planet and adults to listen up to what they had to say. Now all the kids’ messages can be heard here on the Earth Speakr Map.

Today, the Earth Speakr website hosts and celebrates over 10,000 messages recorded by kids about the future of our planet – messages that are brilliant, funny, and heartbreakingly honest. It is a testament to the importance of listening to the next generations, as we adults make crucial decisions that inevitably affect their future.

As an artwork Earth Speakr couldn’t have been made alone. It emerged rather through the collective, creative effort of kids around the world. I believe that such accessible, borderless spaces, driven by creative expression, can bring us together to connect and share perspectives, while celebrating our differences. It is my hope that Earth Speakr has empowered kids across the EU and beyond by showing them that they too are able to share their worries and opinions with those who need to hear them.
- Olafur Eliasson, Earth Day, 2022

Earth Speakr was started by artist Olafur Eliasson and took shape with the input and ideas of its community. Earth Speakr speaks your language – it also speaks the 24 official languages of the European Union and can be accessed throughout the world.

Kids used the Earth Speakr app to record their ideas about the wellbeing of our planet. Adults are invited to participate by listening to the messages, sharing these with others, and amplifying the powerful messages kids have made.

Over half a million people around the world have downloaded the Earth Speakr app. More than 70 languages have been spoken within the app, from more than 120 countries around the world. The messages have been listened to by the general public over 3 million times through the Earth Speakr app and website.

Kto stojí za Earth Speakr?

Earth Speakr vytvoril Olafur Eliasson so svojím štúdiom, deťmi, kreatívnymi partnermi a skupinou výskumníkov a odborníkov, a je financovaný spolkovým ministerstvom zahraničných vecí pri príležitosti nemeckého predsedníctva Rady Európskej únie 2020, ako aj realizovaný v spolupráci s Goetheho inštitútom.

O Olafurovi Eliassonovi

Olafur Eliasson (nar. 1967), umelec dánsko-islandského pôvodu, sa venuje sochárstvu, maľbe, fotografii, inštaláciám a digitálnym médiám. Jeho umenie je hnané jeho záujmom o vnem, pohyb, stelesnenú skúsenosť, ale aj chápanie seba samého a komunity. Jeho umelecké postupy, ktoré presahujú hranice múzea či galérie, pútajú verejnosť architektonickými projektmi, zásahmi v občianskom priestore, vzdelávaním v oblasti umenia, tvorbou politiky a ochranou klímy. Eliasson usporiadal od polovice 90. rokov mnoho významných výstav a projektov po celom svete. V roku 2019 bol vyhlásený za veľvyslanca dobrej vôle Rozvojového programu OSN pre ochranu klímy a ciele trvalo udržateľného rozvoja.

Štúdio Olafur Eliasson, ktoré sídli v Berlíne, tvorí početný tím remeselníkov, architektov, archivárov, výskumníkov, správcov, kuchárov, historikov umenia a špecializovaných technikov.



  • Kto stojí za Earth Speakr?

  • O Olafurovi Eliassonovi

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